Planned Giving
With a planned gift to the East Tennessee Community Design Center (ETCDC), you can combine your desire to give to charity with your overall financial, tax, and estate planning goals. Planned giving gives you a special connection with the Design Center. You will help build Better Communities by Design now and for years to come.
A bequest to the ETCDC can be made for a specific amount, for a percentage of your estate, or for all or a portion of what is left after you have made bequests to your family. To make a gift to the ETCDC from your estate, you must sign a new will or living trust instrument, add a codicil to your present will, or make an amendment to your present trust instrument.
Alternatively, you can designate the ETCDC as a beneficiary of a retirement plan or life insurance policy. To do so, contact the retirement plan administrator or life insurance company and complete the appropriate beneficiary designation form.
To assist you in preparing your bequest, we have provided sample bequest language.
Those considering a planned gift should consult their own legal and tax advisors. The staff in the office are happy to speak with advisors as well.
If you would like more information regarding ways to leave a lasting impact, click below to provide your information and we can assist you with getting the help you need

If you have included the ETCDC in your estate plans, please let us know. We would like to thank you for your generosity, make sure the purpose of your gift is understood by the Design Center, and recognize you as a member of the Design Vision Society.